How to prepare your child for homework

เมื่อ » 2022-10-29 13:39:04 (IP : , , ,, )

How to prepare your child for homework
แก้ไข เมื่อ » 2022-10-29 13:44:25

Lectures on parenting, advice from psychologists and educators about family relationships are effective and make sense only if the parents themselves are mentally healthy or at least stable.

Being unhappy people is not the way to build a relationship with a child that makes them happy. And if the parents are happy, then nothing special needs to be done.

Many people think that everything is fine with them, parents, and only children have problems. And they are surprised when two completely different children grow up in the same family: one is confident, successful, an excellent student in wrestling and politics, and the other is a notorious loser, always whiny or aggressive. But this means that the children felt differently in the family, and some of them lacked attention. Someone was more sensitive and more in need of love, but the parents did not notice this.

How you treat your child in childhood is how he will treat you in old age. When your child is born, you think it's a miracle, you are glad that you have become parents, you do everything to make the child feel good, you enjoy communicating with him, you are carried away by every trifle ... But now he is 6 or 7 years old, and between you and school, he wakes up as a child.

It's like a military commissar entered the house and pulled the child out of the family. But what is really going on so terrible? Well, you need to go to school, gain knowledge to the best of your ability, communicate, grow. Why is this natural process disrupted? School is less than life, and it should be taken out of the relationship with the child.

The school should teach not so much mathematics and literature as life itself. Sometimes she has to teach what it's better to ask professional essay editor BidForWriting than to sit and write without sleep! It is important to get practical skills from school, and not so much theoretical knowledge: the ability to communicate, build relationships, be responsible for yourself - for your words and actions, solve problems, negotiate, manage time. These are the skills that will allow you to feel confident in adulthood and earn a living.

the child's feelings about bad grades are exaggerated - this is a reflection of the reaction of adults. If parents calmly react to failure or failures in sports, other failures, if parents smile and say: “Kind person, don’t be angry!”, Then the child is calm, stable, always balanced at school and finds the right thing. . a store that has everything you need.

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