Were there any limitations or challenges faced during the research process of the MPhil thesis?

เมื่อ » 2023-05-26 19:24:17 (IP : , , ,, )
The limitations or challenges faced during the research process of an MPhil thesis can vary depending on the specific research project. Here are some potential examples:
[*]Limited access to data or resources relevant to the research topic.
[*]Constraints in terms of time and availability for conducting extensive research.
[*]Difficulties in recruiting an adequate sample size or specific participants for the study.
[*]Methodological limitations or constraints that may affect the validity or reliability of the findings.
[*]Challenges in obtaining ethical approvals or addressing ethical considerations in the research.
[*]Limitations in the scope of the study that may restrict the generalizability of the findings.
[*]Language barriers or limitations in accessing relevant literature or sources in other languages.
[*]Financial constraints or limitations in securing funding for research-related expenses.
[*]Unforeseen circumstances or events that may have affected the research process or data collection.
[*]Challenges in data analysis or interpretation, such as complexities in statistical analysis or ambiguous findings.
These are just some examples, and the actual limitations or challenges faced during the research process of an MPhil thesis will depend on the specific research project and its context.

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